Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tongariro Roll Cast

Mmm did of a cast mix up here some claim. But I'd quite like to learn it designed for upstream nymph on the tongariro NZ.


Anonymous said...

Tongariro Casting....Why would you want to spend 10seconds to complete 1 cast when you could do a snake roll in approx 4seconds...That add's up to about 40mins less fishing in a 7 hr day.Not only that its a bloody show offs waste of time...What a stupid cast!!!!

Unknown said...

The Tongariro roll cast can be simpilified a bit from what is demonstrated here. Basically the principal is similar to a Perry Poke. It can be used in very tight situations in the back-country without disturbing the water much. I also find I get an extra 10 - 20 feet with the TRC as opposed to Snake Roll or Double Spey. Obviously the single spey is the most efficient, followed by the snake roll followed by double spey, snap T and then finally by the TRC. Each has its own advantages is certain situations. there are probably a whole lot of other variations of spey and switch casts out there that all have there strengths and weekneses. It appears to me to be taking 5 seconds on this video and not 10.